Origins of Jazz

Jazz originated in New Orleans in the early 1900s. It really began to erupt during the prohibition and really had a lot of job opportunities in the speakeasys.

I thought this site was most interesting because it gives you a section for related readings, and even songs of the time, included with the history of jazz.

Did you know that Louis Armstrong sang What a wonderful world? I love that song. I always forget who sings that song. Now hopefully I won't forget since it's here in my blog. Random thought. Do you think Neil Armstrong and Louis Armstrong were related? There is a possibility. I know one was black and the other was white, but that doesn't mean one doesn't have a hint of the others race.

Blues also had an influence on jazz. Maybe I have a misperception, but wasn't the blues more of a sad, "I'm feeling down and expressing it to you" type of music? Wasn't jazz more upbeat? If that's the case, then I find it funny how something meant to express sadness went on to influence something more upbeat and happy like What a wonderful world. (Found this on the 4th page of google I believe)

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