Performance Art

Video Art Final


His name is Dub Fx. I thought it was really interesting. He loops his voice over and over with a machine and uses it as an instrumental. He then proceeds to sing over said instrumental. Really amazing stuff. Especially since he does it all live.

The Age of Remixing

Fallout boy- Beat it

Fergie- Beat It

Michael Jackson- Beat it

David Cook- Billie Jean

Michael Jackson- Billie Jean

Nickelback- We will rock you

Queen-We will rock you

Leigh Bodden?...Oh, no, Leigh Bowery

Leigh Bowery was just weird. Honestly. He seemed to have an obsession with painting himself excessively white with make up. It actually looked like the opposite of black face. Black face was used when portraying a black man back in slavery times. White people would cover their face with excessive black makeup then cover their lips to with the appearance of large lips. Leigh Bowery does the opposite.  He is definitely not afraid of showing it all as well.


Orlan is interesting to say the least. She uses herself (I feel as more artists have been doing this since plastic surgery came about) as the canvas. She has had many plastic surgeries, constantly leading her to change her appearance here and there.

According to wikipedia (I know, I know), She had a performance called "The Artist's Kiss." She made a slot machine that was a life size photo of her torso. After inserting a coin, you could see the coin "descend" to her ground. She would then appear from behind the machine and kiss you. 

Like I said, interesting to say the least. I wonder if a man would be able to do this. If he made a penis slot machine, would he be condemned for it? Of course, Orlan caused controversy with this, but in general, but have double standards as a society. I feel like if a man were to show his penis as a slot machine, it would be more controversial than a woman's torso where the coin goes into her lower regions. 

Howl at the Too Obscene

How is Howl too obscene (see what I did there)? I swear, people can be incredibly hypocritical sometimes. It's ok to have South Park swearing and making fun of Jews, but this is considered too obscene? South Park had an episode where Cartman fed a boy his parent's as chili. Read that again. Here, I'll even type it out in case you didn't go back and read it. CARTMAN FED A BOY HIS PARENTS AS CHILI. Let that one sink in. Which one do you think is more obscene? South Park, or Howl? The way I see it, if we can have South Park on TV, whether Howl is considered more obscene or not, should not matter. The fact is more people watch TV nowdays than read books (especially poems and short stories). If we can say its acceptable for something that is as offensive and obscene as South Park on TV which is the most used media other than internet, than Allen Ginsberg's Howl should be fine. South Park had an episode where they grew a penis on a rat's back. One more time. SOUTH PARK GREW A PENIS ON A RAT'S BACK. AND. They showed it ON TV UNCENSORED. We can't show a real penis on TV, but South Park gets away with it because it is a cartoon. I find that we are incredibly hypocritical. I don't know if it's just Americans or humans in general, but it's true.