Grid Project
Superhero High- J.Nathan Verse


  1. fuckin' awesome! I love this!! I know how long you spent making this, it really shows. this is a completley original idea that you made into your own piece using your OWN music. I really love the creativity and originality of this project. You were the only person to create a video like this in class- also showing your project to be one of a kind. I love the way each square moves up and down to the beat of the music. This project is really well done. I agree what Santi suggested- to put a photo or color into the white space maybe to add more depth- but really awesome and i like the ending transitions how it goes into the full color photo of you :) GREAT!!

  2. Awesome job. Loved that it was a video and you singing and know one knew it until the end. Loved the colors and how it moved with the beat of the music!! Definitely different then everyone elses. nice job!
