Experimental Skeleton

I definitely found the pictures of the sand interesting. They just took a bunch of sand, dumped it all on top of each other and turned on some fans pointed in the sands direction. A week and a half later, the sand shifted and had an amazing looking texture. It looked the desert you see in the movies (especially the close up. It makes you feel like it really is the desert and thats a really big slope) So dunes in the desert are formed but a constant wave of wind hitting the sand? Interesting.

Interesting Skeleton you have there
I will def say I am intrigued by the Retinal A project by Experimental Skeleton. They made an eye ball looking display, with the help of bacteria.  Now I am not sure if they colored the bacteria or if there is so much bacteria in the little space that you are able to see it, but honestly, I feel uncomfortable with both. Not to say that all bacteria is bad because it obviously isn't, but at the same time, to collect such a high amount of any bacteria, I feel like could be a bad thing.

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